The second fact is that the success of our economy has been built upon free and open market forces. 第二,香港经济蓬勃兴旺,全赖自由开放的市场的力量。
He said America must continue to compete economically, providing a free and open market. 美国必须继续参与经济竞争,提供一个自由而开放的市场。
When two or more companies market similar products to the same customers in a free and open market. 竞争当两家以上的公司在自由开放的市场上向同一客户生产相同产品时就产生竞争。
We remain firmly committed to uphold our free and open market policy as well as to protect the stability and integrity of our currency and financial markets. 我们会继续坚定不移地推行自由开放市场政策,以及保持本港的货币和金融市场稳定和完整。
Market in which price, supply, and demand are artificially controlled. Opposite of a free and open market. 受控市场价格和供求受到人为控制的市场。与自由开放的市场相对。
The regulation of abuse of market dominant position is one of central part in Antitrust Law, maintaining free competition and open market is its objective. 作为反垄断法核心内容之一的禁止滥用市场支配地位,是世界各国反垄断法的一个重要实体领域,其目的是为了维护自由竞争的开放式的市场结构。
It is the free and open market economic system and the appropriate policies, the perfect legal system and the highly developed infra-structure as well as the auxiliary facilities that have spurred the industry concentration and development in Hong Kong CBD. 香港所奉行的自由开放的市场经济体制和政策、健全的法制制度以及良好的基础设施与配套设施环境都促使了CBD产业的集聚和发展。
Accompanied with the world-wide trend of free aviation, how to effectively protect the rights and interests of domestic aviation enterprises as well as how to appropriately open aviation right to other states in the present open market appears more and more significant. 随着世界航空自由化趋势的推进,在一个开放的市场环境中,国家如何有效地保护本国航空企业的权益并对其他国家适当地开放航空权的问题的重要性也日渐凸显。